Near Misses toolbox talk

A simple, 5 minute outline of what to cover in a toolbox talk on Near Misses.

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A near miss is when an accident or incident that nearly happens, it’s an unplanned event that caused no injury, illness or damage but had the potential to do so.

When a near miss happens, it’s easy to feel relieved that nothing serious happened and then just forget about it. However, another person or even the same person is very likely to be injured by that same hazard moments later or on another day.

Have you ever thought to yourself, “whew, that was a close call” when something has happened in the workplace? That is an indication of a near miss, and you should report it!

Why run a Near Misses Toolbox Talk?

What are some examples of a near miss?

How and why should a near miss be reported?

Key takeaways:

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