Using a data protocol in a group setting can inform a productive conversation, allow for differentiation, and pave path for action planning and next steps.
Data protocols can:
Starting with specific facts or data, Data observations, and/or Data notables.
Now that all the facts are laid out, we can discuss how the data fits with our thinking.
Finally we will end the protocol with action plans:
After report cards are in there is a great opportunity to visualize data and allow it to inform productive conversations about our students, our learning outcomes, and our assessment practices. By engaging in a collaborative “Here’s What, So What, Now W hat!" data protocol, groups of teachers can use the data to spark conversations and create learning action plans together.
First we should go over the N orms and Purpose:Norms
Great! Now that we have our norms and p urpose let's move onto the Here’s what section of the protocol. Th is section can be the most challenging part of the protocol as it is easy to make quick judgements about what we see. The importance of this part of the protocol is to make sure we identify all the facts and fully understand what the data is telling us.
Let's do it: Here's What - (Refer to data dashboard below)Start with some p rivate t hink time (2-4 Minutes)
Dig into the what (dashboard below) by making factual observations
***Avoid “I wonder”, “Because/Therefore”
Discuss what we noticed (2-4 minutes)
The first things we need to make sure we do when looking at new data is make sure everyone understands what we are looking at, what the colors mean, and how to understand the facts the data is presenting.
In the video I notice d the following things in M ath:Notice how I don't jump to conclusions or explain why the data might look like this.
What do you notice when exploring the data?
So what?Read the questions below and allow for some p rivate t hink time before sharing and discussing (2-4 Minutes)
Discuss Interpretations of the data (2 Minutes)
As we reflect on the questions above that help guide our thinking, we notice that the data corresponds closely with our observations.
The data makes us wonder how we might better support students in the area of exponents and reasoning. We also may consider the ways that made students successful in fractions and linear equations.
We might ask questions about what led to these results and wonder what we could identify as areas of growth by looking at student work and improve rubrics.
Now what?Read and d iscuss the following prompts as well as the supports your teams might need:
Now what? Discuss a plan of actio n
Based on what we learned we can now make a plan of action.
After looking at the prompts and possible outcomes of looking at the data today we can decide to look at students work in the area of communication and reasoning.
Student work is the source of this data and by looking at it together at our next meeting we can improve rubrics, gain clarity of what achieving looks like, and identify learning needs with student work as our evidence.