An introduction to EndNote Desktop for new users. Learn how to create a Library, add and modify references, use EndNote with Microsoft Word, add groups, add full-text PDFs, and back-up your EndNote Desktop library. Also includes EndNote Online.
If the referencing style you need to use is not available in the EndNote Desktop program or from's Output Styles website, you can create a style that matches your criteria by editing an existing one.
1. Select Tools > Output Styles and select the style that you would like to edit, e,g. 'Edit "APA 7th" '.
2. Before editing the style, create a copy and work from the copied file. To do this, File > Save as, leave the name as is (e.g. 'APA 7th Copy'), and press Save.
3. In the style's editing window, use the options on the left to make modifications (edit) your style. For example, select Bibliography > Templates to edit how the reference will appear in your reference list.
4. Save the modifications or changes you made in step 3 by File > Save, then close window by pressing X. Both the original style (e.g. 'APA 7th') and the copy you created (e.g. 'APA 7th Copy') will now appear in your list of referencing styles.
5. To select your newly created referencing style:
a) In your EndNote Desktop library: Tools > Output Styles > Open Style Manager > within the EndNote Styles box place a tick next to your newly created style [e.g. 'APA 7th Copy'] > close window. Your newly created style now appears in the output styles list. To select your new style from this list, go to Tools > Output Styles and place a tick on your new style.
b) In MS Word: EndNote 21 tab > select Select Another Style from the Style drop-down menu > select (highlight) your newly created style > press OK.